Garuda In-Flight Magazine has a print run of 60,000 copies and distributed on all Garuda Indonesia's flights. It is published as the exclusive on-board media with the exciting travel stories on destinations across the archipelago, features, interviews with well-known Indonesians and lifestyle articles on wine and fine dining, shopping, fashion and beauty, culture and art.
Garuda In-Flight Magazine has more than 900,000 readers per month, including A and A+ businessmen/women, professionals, entrepreneurs, and upper class travelers.
Garuda Inflight Magazine is published under licence for Garuda Indonesia by PT Indo Multi Media
Circulation and Distribution
A total of 60,000 copies of Garuda In-Flight Magazine – English/Indonesian Version and 30,000 copies of Garuda In-Flight Magazine Japanese Version and Mawaddah are distributed free of charge on a monthly basis, as follows:
  1. All Garuda Indonesia's Flights to 44 destinations (international and domestic)
  2. Garuda Indonesia's Executive Lounge at all Indonesia's Airports
  3. All Platinum Card Holders of Garuda Frequent Flyer Program 
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Media of Indonesia
Media of Indonesia

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